Spring Vegetable Ramen With Crispy Tofu - Vegan and Gluten Free

I was craving some gluten free ramen and honestly have had a tough time finding a gf noodle that didn’t turn mushy and unenjoyable once it hit the broth. So I ordered some Millet Ramen made by Big Green Organic and I was so happy with the result! I highly recommend this brand, but if you already have a favorite gf ramen, any of them will work with this recipe. Yay for spring!

Spring Vegetable Ramen with Crispy Tofu - Vegan and Gluten Free

Spring Vegetable Ramen with Crispy Tofu - Vegan and Gluten Free

Yield: 5-8 depending on how much broth/noodles are served in each bowl
The broth makes a big batch that you can use throughout the week or freeze for leftovers. If you need a smaller batch, cut this recipe in half. I like to cook the millet ramen separately because I rinse it before adding broth. I listed the instructions for the whole meal from start to finish - trying to economize time for you as much as possible. :)


For the Broth
For the Crispy Tofu
For the Vegetables


To Prepare the Ramen
  1. Begin draining the tofu before starting the broth (see instructions)
  2. Add the olive oil to a dutch oven or soup pot over medium heat.
  3. Add the green onions and cook for two minutes, then add the garlic and ginger, and cook for one more minute until fragrant.
  4. Pour in the vegetable broth and add the shiitake mushrooms and kombu. Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for at least 20 minutes or longer if necessary. Remove the kombu and mushrooms when you are ready to serve.
  5. Begin soaking the tofu squares in the soy sauce (see instructions)
  6. In a pot fitted with a steamer basket, put some water in the bottom of the pot and begin steaming the snap peas and asparagus for about 3-5 minutes or until crisp tender.
  7. Fill a small pot with water and bring to a boil (this could be the same pot you used for steaming the veg). Add the ramen and cook according to the package directions. Turn off the heat and pour the noodles into a colander over the sink. Rinse with cool water.
  8. Assemble your ramen bowl by putting the noodles in first, pour in your desired amount of broth, top with vegetables, crispy tofu, green onions, hot chili oil, and/or sriracha. Enjoy!
For the Crispy Tofu
  1. Squeeze the excess liquid from the tofu by making a "pressing sandwich": plate, paper towels (or kitchen towel), tofu, paper towel, plate, heavy book/s. Let it squeeze for about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cut the tofu into bite sized squares and place in a shallow dish with the soy sauce - making sure to turn the pieces in the sauce. Let them soak in the soy sauce while you steam the vegetables for the ramen. About 10 minutes.
  3. Combine the panko, cornstarch, onion and garlic powder in a small bowl and gently toss the tofu squares in the breading. Using your hands, make sure each square has been coated well.
  4. Heat 2 tbsp oil in a skillet on medium high heat and begin frying the tofu squares adding more oil if necessary to prevent sticking. Turn each piece a couple times to ensure even cooking 3-4 minutes per side.


Recipe for the crispy tofu adapted from www.itsavegworldafterall.com

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